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study on schizophrenia

study on schizophrenia

We as a research team would like to know; Who is affected by a disorder of schizophrenia. We ask ourselves the following questions:

- What are their causes, or which symptoms are accompanied by the disease?

- Whom does it concern? From what age to what age?

- What gender is particularly affected?
- What is the education level and what kind of employment do affected people have?
- What is the state of health of relatives?
- Which belief systems play a vital role in the lives of the patients?
- Which people or tasks help those affected to a meaningful handling of the disease?


Are you an affected person, a physician / psychiatrist, a caretaker / nurse or
a therapist / psychotherapist / psycholgist?
Then we would be very pleased about your valuable cooperation.

Guidance instructions

Thank you for your willingness to participate in this study. Please note that the
fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed. All other data are voluntary
and allow a higher evaluation quality.
All information provided is handled strictly confidential.


How is or how has the disease been treated?
What medicines do you use to treat schizophrenia?
Do you consume or did you consume one or more substances before or during the illness?
Systemic Information
Are also other family-members affected by schizophrenia?
If your answer was "yes":
Who is or has been affected? (Spouse, father, mother, grandmother, father, cousin, daughter, son, etc.)
Demographic Information
Living in
Religious affiliation
Please include your affiliation with a particular faith. If this does not apply to you, please specify "None".
What is your highest degree?
Field of activity
In which of the following areas are you active:
Further Information
Would you like to provide us with further details?